Georgia Murch

Obsessed about how people talk to each other and themselves, Georgia helps people find their inner ‘flawsome’ and teams and organisations become feedback cultures. Where they can build trust and respect through conversations, not damage it. Working with public and private clients for over 25 years, leading teams and businesses, designing and facilitating culture change and leadership programs means she's done the miles. This deep experience means she truly appreciates the diversity and challenge of workforces and understands the complexity of managing a business while leading change. She describes herself as a ‘corporate hippie’. She’s quirky and down to earth and believes that to really connect with others, and yourself, you need to be real. She has featured in Sky Business, The Today Show, The Daily Edition, AFR, BRW,, Huffington Post, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Modern Business and Qantas Radio. Georgia puts passion on a podium. A remarkable communicator in her own right, she is an inspiring speaker that challenges audiences to become better versions of themselves, their workplaces and their homes. She now runs retreats and programs for those that want to grow themselves and their leadership.

Feedback Flow

Book by Georgia Murch "Feedback Flow" - Kelly Irving Book CoachView Book